Friday 10 May 2013

Yoga Poses for Meditation

Yoga comes from the ancient Indian Sanskrit word meaning "to yoke" or "union." Traditionally, it refers back to the unifying of body, mind and soul through various yoga practice. Physical yoga, or hatha yoga, combines the physical movement from the body with meditative breathing to bolster and bring more flexibility towards the body and bring energy, calmness and fewer mental stress to the mind. Yoga poses for meditation could be standing or seated poses, but should each concentrate on maintaining steady breathing.

Padmasana, or Full Lotus Pose

Within their textbook "The Science and Philosophy training Yoga and Yoga Therapy," authors Jacqueline Koay and Theodora Bartholomew name meditation among the five principles of yoga. Seated poses help to keep the mind aware and alert, whereas lying poses can result in sleep as meditation reaches a deeper level. In padmasana, start by sitting on the floor in an easy crossed-leg position. Bring the left foot towards the upper part of the right thigh and right foot towards the upper part of the left thigh. Keep spine long and lengthened and rest on the job the knees, palms either facing up or gently clasping your legs. Full lotus pose helps keep the knee joint lubricated because of the stoppage of synovial fluid throughout the pose followed by its immediate release following the pose.

Skandasana, or Waterfall Pose
Waterfall pose is among the simplest inversion poses and can be done included in a meditative practice. Begin lying near to a wall and bring hips and gluteals as near to wall as possible. Walk the legs in the wall, inching hips and glutes nearer to the wall and extending legs fully upwards. Waterfall is really a foundational inversion to prepare practitioners for other inversions. Unlike waterfall, in which the heart and brain are level, more complex inverted poses bring the center above the brain and allow gravity to assist blood circulate through the torso and brain without placing extra force on the heart. While most people spend hours every day with the head above the heart, inverted poses promote the alternative and help alleviate sinus problems, pay off the throat and lungs and stimulate those hormones.

Sukhasana, or Easy Pose

An alternative on and simpler version of full lotus pose, easy pose is made to set the foundation for someday performing meditative yoga in additional advanced postures. Begin by located on the ground with the legs crossed, spine straight, and hands placed lightly around the knees with the palms facing either down or up. Bring the right shin down, keeping it parallel using the left shin. Sit and meditate within this pose for a while before switching to create the left shin away from right and rest both shins parallel on the ground. Easy pose helps stimulate the movement of synovial fluid inside the knee joint, as well as help relax the spine.

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