Tuesday 14 April 2015

Find The Best Benefits Of Drink Almond Milk

Most people have no idea that Almond milk is more beneficial and nutritious than ordinary dairy milk, due to the fact that it contains much more nutrients and it has not been subjected to the same processing. It is also an ideal alternative for those who are lactose intolerant or have allergies to soy.  Almond milk, like soy almond milk, is a perfect alternative to cow’s milk and has a surprisingly rich & creamy taste.

The benefits of almond milk are vast, especially for those looking to lose weight.  It has a low caloric value, with an 8 oz serving of Plain (which has no added sugar) only containing  around 60 calories, which has a much lower impact on your daily calorie intake than skim almond milk.  It is rich in vitamins, and also boasts an impressive dose of bone-building calcium.                                        

Skin glowing

Almond milk contains 50 percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin E, which contains antioxidant properties essential to your skin’s health , such as protecting it against sun damage.

Controls Diabetes

Almonds also help control blood sugar levels and prevent complications from diabetes. The healthy fats, vitamins, fiber and several minerals in almonds help regulate the absorption and processing of glucose.According to a study published by online journal Diabetes Care, nuts like almonds milk can help control Type 2 diabetes in men and post-menopausal women.In addition, other studies have shown that almonds can offer protection from the dangerous spikes in blood sugar after large meals. This in turn reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

Improves Brainpower

Almonds are also considered one of the best foods for your brain. The vitamin E in almonds helps prevent cognitive decline, boosts alertness and preserves memory functioning.Plus, they are a good source of zinc, a mineral that can protect brain cells from free radical damage. Also, the vitamin B-6 in almonds aids the metabolism of proteins, which are required for brain cell repair.


The message here is clear and simple! Almond milk delivers muscle power in abundance as part of an organised dietary programme which is superb for bodybuilders and even athletes. Muscles will health benefit greatly thanks to the riboflavin and protein resulting in increased vitamin B and iron!Explosive power can be achieved thanks to the milk’s properties combined with a strong exercise regime, and in a very natural way.

Blood Sugar Friendly

The plain almond milk option contains only 8 grams of carbohydrates per serving. The 7 grams of sugars that make up the carbohydrate content have a limited affect on the blood sugar levels. When we consume simple sugars, best metabolic functions tend to miss the nutrients, storing much of the carbs as fat.

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